The mean of the female garment factory worker was 22.84 years with a standard deviation
of 4.5 years 71.04 of the workers were never married. The mean age of the female garment
factory worker in Sri Lanka has shown a decline over the past 9 years. the commonest
overall subjective 59.45.The seated workers had abutter ergonomic match than the standing
workers to work areas. the seated workers on average produced more until than standing
workers. Majority of workers did not take leave or treatment for either subjective or
objective MSD. the study recommended conduction of a health education programme based
on the principles of the Ottawa charter for management and workers use of a heel rest for
standing workers, sealed posture for garment manufacture rather than standing posture,
Device an index to assess productivity taking in to account health component of workers.
and conduction of further research to rest hypothesis that seated posture is better than the
standing posture in the sewing operation in the garment manufacturing industry