dc.description.abstract |
The level of job satisfaction and its selected correlates of Public Health Midwives who are
working in .District of Ratnapura. Three hundred and twenty six (326) Public Health
Midwives who are working in District of Ratnapura were included in the study as a
convenient sample. Job satisfaction was assessed with thirty questions under the ten sub
headings which were developed based on two factor theory of Herzberg et al. A majority
153 (59.5 percent ) of the Public Health Midwives had scored their level of job satisfaction
as neither satisfied nor dissatisfied and 65(23.7 percent ) are satisfied as PHHM. A majority
226b (88 percent ) of the PHM are satisfied on support exerted at MOH level. More than
half of the PHHM are not satisfied on existing appraisal system, promotion based on work
performance, extra payment and salary increment within the system. Experience as a PHM,
presence of immediate supervisor, age of the PHM and number of children has significant
influence on job satisfaction while total population, mode of traveling, place of residence,
and distance from place of residence to the field has no significant influence on job
satisfaction. This study is first of the nature in Sri Lanka and data are not available for
comparison. Comparison between studies in local or international literature is difficult and
inappropriate unless the working setting and-study instrument were the same. Study was
limited to a selected district namely Ratnapura due to logistical constrains which is a major
limitation of this study. Thus the external validity of study finding is hindered. This study is
first of the nature in Sri Lanka and data are not available for comparison. Comparison
between studies in local or international literature is difficult and inappropriate unless the
working setting and-study instrument were the same. Study was limited to a selected district
namely Ratnapura due to logistical constrains which is a major limitation of this study. Thus
the external validity of study finding is hindered |