dc.description.abstract |
Prevalence of anaemia was determined as 14.4 per cent at a cut off point of 11g/dl of
haemoglobin. The cyanmethaemoglobin method was used to determine the haemoglobin
levels. A POA of more than 20 weeks at first visit to the ANC was significantly associated
with anaemia. There was no significant association between family size, educational level,
average birth interval, average family income, hook worm infection and malaria with
anaemia. No significant association existed between hook worm infection and the absence
of a latrine. Clinical assessment of anaemia using pallor of tongue was not reliable to be
used as a screening test for anaemia ata cut off point of 11g/dl of haemoglobin. Pallor of
conjunctiva was found to be a better method for screening of anaemia at the cut off point of
haemoglobin used in this study |