The incidence of anemia is advanced in developing countries due to its health and socioeconomic
difficulties. It is pigeonholed by reduced amounts of RBCs or hemoglobin level below 11 gram/dl. In
conventional literature mentioned that Su Mizaj Barid wa Ratab (abnormal temperament of cold and
wet) leads to the change of feature of Iron deficiency anemia, which they have defined as Su al
qinya (Anemia). Unani Medicine has a rich of single drugs and compound formulations for the
treatment of anemia. All the single drugs and compound formulations, those mentioned in Unani
classical books for treatment of anemia have various pharmacological actions like Muwallid-I-dam
(hemopoietic), Muqaww-i-mi‘da (stomachic) and Muqaww-i-kabid (heptatonic). It has been
traditionally used for the treatment of anemia (Faqr al dam) since ages. Many compound
formulations have been reported for its hematinic effect in recent years. The therapeutic options in
faqr al dam in conventional medicine have got their own side effects and complications. Looking at
the side effects of conventional therapy and complications of conventional medicine, it is need of
the time to shift to an alternative system of medicine that is harmless, cost effective, non-surgical
and can easily be affordable by everyone and has long lasting effects. Various classical Unani texts
were reviewed. Further certain searching words “anemia”, “Red Blood Cells”, “Faqr al dam” etc.
were explored in different search engines on website. The literature search in classical text for
anemia were evaluated to implement in modern on and are having treasured information regarding
anemia which can be instigated in present time is needed still more and it would be more validated
the Unani Medicine.