Significance of preventive and curative aspect of unani medicine in free radicals induced lifestyle disorders

Show simple item record Shiffa, M.S.M. Fahamiya, N. Farzana, M.U.Z.N. Fasihuzzaman 2025-02-06T05:13:39Z 2025-02-06T05:13:39Z 2016
dc.identifier.issn 2394-1960
dc.description.abstract The influence of lifestyle on human health is of worldwide increasing concern. Disease profile is changing rapidly. Currently, lifestyle disorders are becoming more problem, and policy makers are working on that. It draws major concern because it affects younger working community. Therefore, it would reduce the productivity of the entire nation. It is believed through various studies that free radicals are taking major part of the formation of lifestyle disorders. During the past several years, there has been a growing interest in the medical implications of free radicals. Free radicals can be formed from both, endogenous and exogenous substances due to unhealthy lifestyle. Free radicals cause lifestyle diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, arthritis, atherosclerosis, hypertension, etc. In recent years, a multitude of studies provide comprehensive evidence that increased production of reactive oxygen species are involved in the development and progression of lifestyle diseases. Hence, Unani system of medicine emphasizes on the maintenance of healthy life through implementing asbab-e-sitta zarooriya (six essential factors) in the life which influence on human body to generate a new state or maintain the persisting state and help in the promotion of health and prevention of disease. A balanced relationship between the six essential factors keeps the humors and the temperament on the right track and due to their imbalance, all mental and somatic diseases occur. Unani system not only addresses the symptoms of lifestyle diseases but also identifies and deals with the underlying causes. Hence, by adoption of an appropriate Unani lifestyle plan, free radical can be avoided or counteracted, and by that, prevent and reduce the degree and severity of the lifestyle diseases, thus ensuring a better quality of life. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Research and Reviews: A Journal of Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy en_US
dc.subject Free radicals en_US
dc.subject lifestyle disorders en_US
dc.subject defense mechanism en_US
dc.subject Unani medicine en_US
dc.title Significance of preventive and curative aspect of unani medicine in free radicals induced lifestyle disorders en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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