dc.description.abstract |
Objective of this obstruction Study was to evaluate nonnallevel of nucleated red blood cells
(NRBC) per 100 White blood cells in cord blood of tenn, non-asphyxiated newborns and, to
determine its variation with perinatal asphyxia and other Intrapartum parameters, and to
detuning the difference between NRBC in arterial and venous cord blood. One hundred and
sixty five mothers and their newborns selected according to inclusion criteria. I m1 of
arterial cord blood was taken into heparinised syringe at the time of delivery, for immediate
analysis of arterial blood gas. Additional samples of 2 mL of blood were collected from the
umbilical artery and vein. Thin blood smears were made and studied under 40 X
magnification. The number of nucleated red blood cells per 100 white blood cells (WBC)
was counted in both samples. Intrapartum parameters such as CTG changes, meconlum
staining of Liquor, Apgar score at birth, were also recorded. Newborns were observed till
they are discharged from the hospital. Mean NRBC per 100 WBC in cord arterial and
venous blood of term, non-asphyxiated newborns was 4.78(SD+/- 1.84) and 4.34 (SD+/-
1.71) respectively, (p0.05). Mean NRBC per 100 WBC in term asphyxiated newborns was
80.9(SD+/- 5.76) in arterial bloodand 80.29 (SD+/- 9.14) in venous blood, (p0.05). There
was a statistically significant difference between the NRBC counts of asphyxiated and nonasphyxiated newborns, (pO.OOl) in arterial blood and venous blood. No statistically
significant difference was observed in the NRBC per 100 WBC with the duration of labour
or mode of delivery. The NRBC counts in asphyxiated newborns are significantly higher
than that of the non-asphyxiated newborns. As the NRBC counts are similar in arterial and
venous blood, and as collecting umbilical cord venous blood is relatively easy, we can
continue with NRBC counting in venous blood alone. The NRBC counts did not change
with other factors such as duration of labour or mode of delivery. Therefore the variation of
NRBC was solely due to the hypoxic state |