Comparison of methods for diagnosis of bancroftion filariasis

Show simple item record Chandrasena, T.G.A.N 2011-12-05T09:04:15Z 2011-12-05T09:04:15Z 2000
dc.identifier.citation MD (Medical Microbiology) en_US
dc.description.abstract The objectives were firstly to evaluate a rapid format ICT card test (ICT diagnostics Australia) for filariasis in the diagnosis of bancroftain filariasis and to compare its sensitivity, specificity and cost effectiveness with TBF ( standard survey tool) and secondly to investigate any association between antigenaemia, microfilaraemia and clinical manifestations. As a screening tool ICT appears to be effective (both sensitive and specific) but not cost effective for routine mass surveillance in Sri Lanka. Both ICT and NMF were positive in only 40 per cent of individuals with features suggestive of clinical filariasis
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.title Comparison of methods for diagnosis of bancroftion filariasis en_US
dc.type Research abstract en_US

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