An essential pre-requisite for collaboration between TMPP and the modern health system is
understanding and fostering a mutual respect for each others systems. Health authorities
should adopt clear policies towards formal recognition of all categories of TMPP including
unrecognized categories of traditional practitioners as important providers of health care,
especially in rural areas of Sri Lanka. To develop at MOH/DHO level a health monitoring
and health information system containing necessary basic information about the TMPP in
the respective areas. The TMPP should be involved in the delivery of PHC programme of
the ministry of health Sri Lanka. They should be given a course of training that will enable
them to meet the health needs of the people more effectively. Further research is needed to
determine people's level of confidence in traditional and folk medicine and their
practitioners. The health seeking behavior of different socio-cultural groups current
utilization of TMPP by the community. Factors that influence community acceptance or
rejection of different medical systems. Cost effectiveness of involvement of TMPP in PHC
content of training required for different categories of TMPP. To determine the proper mix
of traditional and modern medicine in the team approach to PHC. Continuous evaluation
and monitoring of the performance of TMPP in PHC.PHC should be further determined
through pilot studies attitude towards the collaborating with traditional practitioners
determine the specific nature of TMPP actual contribution towards solving rural health