dc.description.abstract |
The study consisted of two components, a descriptive cross sectional study and a
retrospective record based study. Descriptive cross sectional study was carried out at the
Central STD clinic Colombo among 150 newly registered male and female patients with a
diagnosis of syphilis. Interviewer administered questionnaire was used to collect
information regarding socio- demographic and behavioral characteristics and knowledge of
STls. In the retrospective record based study, 463 patient records were analyzed. Health
education programmes should provide More attention on clinical features, the asymptomatic
nature and complications of STLs . As sensitivity of VDRL test was very low in late latent
syphilis, alternative methods should be explored to screen syphilis. The drug of choice for
treating syphilis is penicillin and every possible step should be taken to prevent unnecessary
restrictions on use of penicillin. Proper Set of indications should be identified to use non
penicillin treatment regimens |