Introduction: Rubella is generally asymptomati c
in healthy adults but during the first trimester of
pregnancy often leads to fetal death or severe
congenita l defect s (Congenita l rubell a
Objective : T o determine the rubella immune
status among a group of wome n at reproductive
age attending a reproductive health centre for
antenatal care and fertility treatment.
Methodology : A retrospective analysis of rubella
antibody levels was carried out i n a group of
women at reproductive age. Th e total study
population consisted of 554 wome n attending
Vindan a Reproductiv e Healt h Centr e for
antenatal care and fertility treatment.
Results : O f the whole study population (n=554)
29.4% of women were sero-negative for rubella
IgG. Past history o n rubella immunization or
infection were available only i n 108 women. Onl y
39 (36.1 %) of 108 had rubella vaccination prior to
assessment. Ninet y five percent (n=37) ot the
immunized women were sero-positive tor rubella
IgG. However , of the non - immunized wome n
(n= 69), 40.5 % (n=28) were sero-negative for
rubella specific IgG antibodies. Moreover , of the 108 women whose immunization history was
available, 57.4% (n=62) were pregnant and
25.8% (n=16) of the m were sero-negative for
rubella IgG. Onl y two of these rubella antibody
negative pregnant wome n were immunized.
Conclusion : A considerable number of pregnant
women and those who are planning tor a
pregnancy are still under the risk of getting
congenita l rubell a syndrom e infant s and
immunization of wome n during reproductive age
should be strengthened