Only about 2500 people will have been exposed to a drug before it is marketed and the chance of finding an adverse reaction with an incidence oF less than 1 /1000 prior to marketing is therefore small. . Drugs may not be extensively tested in children so that many medicines given to children are not licensed for a particular indication' age of the child, or presented in a suitable formulation or route of administration . The use of'off label' or unlicensed drugs to treat children is widespread throughout Europe so that continued monitoring is essential to detect the adverse drug reacdons in children' . The Yellow Card Scheme is an important mechanism for doctors and pharmacists to rePort their suspicions about a possible adverse drug reaction and allow early detection of an adverse effect. . Early detection and reporting of suspected adverse drug reactions by doctors caring for children will prevent other children experiencing adverse drug reacdons. . Regrettably Paediatricians and other doctors caring for children seem to have a poor record for completing Yellow Cards although there is no hard evidence for this. To improve our knowledge and understanding of drug safety in children' we must have comPrehensive rePorting' A recent circulated self assessment bulletin on which the article is based to paediatricians in'\(ales is an intervention to improve rePorting of adverse side effects ofdrugs given to children'