history. E. singhala restricted to undisturbed forest patches of Caryota urens, Calamus rotang and Calamus zeylanicus
in wet zone highland but the absence of the species after extensive survey in similar habitats reveal that E. singhala is
more local. E. singhala is rather shy butterfly inhabits dark dense forests which feeds on over-ripped fruits etc.. E.
singhala often fly as couple and individual female can be seen hovering host plats. E. hypermnestra female always
flies individually and less abundant than its male. E. hypermnestra males pare have a 'dance' or 'fight' possibly for
territory. Perhaps pare of males share the same territory because both chase other butterflies together and that 'couple
dance' never aggressive. Immediate conservation actions such as habitat restoration and transplanting should be tested
for E. singhala.