INTRODUCTION: The increasing number of women acquiring Human Immunodeficiency
Virus (HIV) has resulted in a 'feminization' of the epidemic. In this article we
are reviewing whether females are disadvantaged in the epidemic, due to factors
independent of the biological differences in sexes.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: We searched MEDLINE and EMBASE for articles with key words
'Women', 'Gender,' and 'HIV' in any field. The search was restricted to articles
published in English within the last 10 years (1999-2009). Data were coded
independently by two reviewers from 94 selected sources. The coded data were
categorized under five commonly encountered concepts; violence, poverty, gender
norms, prevention-/treatment-related issues, and Highly Active Anti-Retroviral
Treatment (HAART).
RESULTS: The link between inter-partner violence (IPV) and HIV risk for women is
observed by many authors. In assessing the link between poverty and HIV,
indicators such as food insufficiency and income inequality may be better
indicators compared to wealth itself. Although women are disadvantaged with
male-dominated gender norms, evidence suggests that the traditional norms are
changing in many societies. A positive association between living in urban
communities, education, and better HIV knowledge has been observed in females,
although it is not always synonymous with reduced risk behavior.
CONCLUSIONS: Women are still disadvantaged in many HIV-related issues such as
poverty, violence, and gender norms. At least in Africa, there is evidence of a
positive change in spheres of education and gender norms. However, the situation
in Asia is largely unexplored.