An attempt to survey the attitude to science of pupils who have followed the programme of integrated science cource for four years

Show simple item record Sivanesan, S. 2012-12-01T07:55:58Z 2012-12-01T07:55:58Z 1982-07
dc.identifier.other 386269
dc.description.abstract One important expected outcome of the teaching of integrated science was to develop a favourable attitude towards science. The purpose of t h i s research i s to investigate the attitude of students who had followed the integrated science course for four years. The changes made i n the Junior School Science Curriculum i n most countries and the changes made i n S r i Lanka were discussed. The objectives of the new. integrated science curriculum are defined. I n i t i a l l y a survey of research l i t e r a t u r e related to the attitudes towards science was. undertaken. These were discussed under the sub-headings school l e v e l, higher l e v e l and school and higher l e v e l studies. I t was observed that the attitude to science WQLS more favourable i n the elementary school but declined through the junior school. For the purpose of t h i s research a L i k e r t Type attitude scale was constructed. F i r s t a p i l o t study was done. The responses were studied and the f i n a l form of the L i k e r t type scale consisting of t h i r t y four statements was prepared. This was administered to a random sample consisting of four boys* ,two g i r l s * and six mixed schools. The questionnaire was scored and analysed by the Data General Computer at the S t a t i s t i c a l Unit of the University of Colombo. Factor Analysis was done using p r i n c i p a l component method. Four factors emerged i n t h i s analysis. They were named as i ) Motivation to learn science, i i ) Reaction to learning science, i i i ) S c i e n t i f i c knowledge, and i v ) U t i l i t y value of science. These were compared with the objectives of the integrated science Curriculum of S r i Lanka, Suggestions for Curriculum Development and Science Teaching were made on the basis of the findings.
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.title An attempt to survey the attitude to science of pupils who have followed the programme of integrated science cource for four years en_US
dc.type Thesis abstract en_US

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