Project work in the senior secondary schools in the jaffna district

Show simple item record Kanagaratnam, Y. 2012-12-01T04:31:29Z 2012-12-01T04:31:29Z 1981-04-05
dc.identifier.other 379815
dc.description.abstract Project Work i n the H.N.C.E. classes was a p i l ot programme, which was introduced in the Senior Secondary- Schools i n 1976. It was expected that this would help to meet the challenging social and economic needs of society. To carry out an intensive study of the Programme, i t s objectives, i t s working, i t s successes and f a i l u r e s , and the problems faced in implementing the programme, a study of schools in one D i s t r i c t - the Jaffna D i s t r i c t was selected. The Introduction deals with the trends i n educational changes, the need for a curriculum change, the introduction of Project Work i n the H.N.C.E. classes as a s i g n i f i c a n t change, the purposes of the study and i t s limitations and assumptions. Chapter II deals with a review of only the relevant l i t e r a t u r e , closely associated with the l o c al setting. Chapters I I I , IV and V review the Aims and Objectives, the Salient Features, and the new methods of Evaluation mentioned i n the Guide l i t e r a t u re provided by the Ministry of Education. Outlining the basic ideas i s found necessary to make a f i r st acquaintance to a r e l a t i v e l y new f i e l d. Chapter VI deals with the Design of the Study and Chapter VII deals elaborately with the Presentation and Analysis of data. The School Plans have taken a good portion of the text. Samples of Plans are analysed i n d e t a i l , by applying the Net Work analysis diagrams. Diagrams of each plan give a v i s u a l impression of the plan. An analysis i s made of the resources used. The roles of the P r i n c i p a l , the teacher Convenor, the other teachers, the pupils and the Community are analysed to show that Project Work c a l l s for more knowledge and greater expertise. The attitudes of those involved are analysed to see i f the Programme i s welcomed This Chapter deals with teacher-pupil relationship, and pupil-pupil relationship in a new approach. The Progress of Project Work - t i l l i t was terminated i n 1978 i s analysed according to the stages of work i n the Work Chart. This chapter includes the advantages gained, the problems faced and an analysis of i t s relevance at the H.N.C.E. l e v e l. Chap VIII deals with the Suggestions f or improvement and Further Research i n the area. While o u t l i n i n g the basic ideas of Project Work, going deep into one aspect could not be done. There i s ample scope for research. Chap IX - the F i n a l Chapter gives a summary of the study and i t s findings. Bibliography carries adequate reading material, suitable for further reading. Useful material l i ke the l i t e r a t u r e on Net Work Analysis technique, and a Guide to Education Projects IBRD/lDA are attached to the Appendices.
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.title Project work in the senior secondary schools in the jaffna district en_US
dc.type Thesis abstract en_US

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