The present decade had witnessed a great change in the
concept of 'science education' in many countries including Sri Lanka.
Following the educational reforms of 1972. 'science' has become an
important subject in the curriculum of the four-year junior secondary
school and took the form of integrated science. The present study was
undertaken to study the problems, faced at the school, in implementing
the new science programme in the Tamil medium schools of the Colombo-
South Educational Region.
The data for the study were collected during the period July
to November 1977. The sample consisted of 55 Principals/Heads of Tamil
Seotion, 50 Science Teachers, and 418 Pupils from grades 7,8 and 9,
from the schools of Colombo-South Educational Region.the two Circuit
Education Officers (Tamil Section) and the In-Service Advisor for
Scienoe(Tamil Seotion),of the Colombo-South Educational Region, and
120 Teacher Trainees (Science Course) and 8 Lectures in Science from
the two Teachers' colleges which provide training for science teachers
in the Tamil medium. Questionnaire was the main tool of data collection.
Personal Observation and Interview techniques were also used. Mailedquestionnaires
were used in the case of the Principals/Heads of Tamil
Seotion, the Scienoe Teachers and the Science Lecturers. The
questionnaires were personally administered to pupils and Teacher
Trainees. Percentages, averages, and simple linear correlation are
the statistical techniques employed, and ^ test of significance
was used in the case of variables falling into categories.
The study has revealed the existence of a few problems in
relation to the implementation of the integrated scienoe programme
in the selected area. As regards practical work related to science,
the facilities available for such activities seem to be insufficient
in certain sohools. The study has pointed out to the shortage of
scienoe teachers, in some of the schools, for the teaching of scienoe
at the junior secondary level. Further, more than half of the soienoe
teachers who responded to the questionnaire, were found to be without
a professional training. It has also been found that there is room
for improvement on the teaching approaches adopted to achieve the
objectives of teaching integrated science at the junior secondary
level. As regards the pupils, 'soienoe' as a school subjeot is shown
as one of the subjects liked most. Yet, a need exists to get the
children- interested, in scienoe to a greater extent than now,
particularly in relation to extra-curricular activities in soienoe.
The report is presented in nine chapters and a brief account of
these is presented below.
In chapter I, after making a brief discussion on the need
for a study of this type and the statement of the aim of the
investigation, the types of problems that are expeoted to be faced
in implementing the new scienoe programme in these schools are
hypothesised. Teaching of soienoe is begun at different levels in
different countries, and many countries have made soienoe an integral
part of the curriculum of the primary; school. Hence,after attempting
an analysis of the objeotives of the teaching of science and the
praotioe followed in many countries, a brief examination of the
psychological and socio-economic aspects of making scienoe a secondary
school subjeot,is undertaken i n chapterlI.Teaching of soienoe as a
compulsory subjeot at the junior secondary level is new to Sri Lanka.
Therefore, in chapter III, a brief historical account of the type of
scienoe education that existed prior to 1972 was given, and in the
light of these facts, the 1972 reforms are examined. Further, the
current educational scene is analysed with special reference to the
teaohing of integrated science at the junior secondary level and its
A study of this type leans heavily on the accurate collection
of relevant data. For this purpose, i t is essential that the sample on
whioh the study has to be msde should be defined, and appropriate tools
are selected or constructed and utilised efficiently in the process of
data collection. Descriptions of these form the major portion of
chapter TV. Details of the scoring procedures and the statistical
techniques to be followed, form the remaining portion of the chapter.
Chapter V analysis the situation related to such matters as
standard equipments, improvisations of equipments and availability of
other facilities, a l l of which are related to practical work in science.
Chapter VI details the investigation of the situation with respect to
the availability and the proficiency of the scienoe staff, including
aspects of teacher training and in-service training. Use of audio -
visual aids, relating oat-of-school activities to science learning,
organisation of scienoe olubs and museums to bring about a better
understanding of science in children, and the utilisation of other
teaohing approaches are analysed in chapter VII. The next chapter deals
with such matters as pupil interests and activities within and outside
school hours, a l l of which have a bearing on learning of science.
In the final chapter, a summary of the findings is presented
and based on these findings, suggestions for improvements are made. A
few related aspects of science education are also suggested for
further research.