Although map collections have a long and evolutionary history, the profession of map
librarianship has not yet established in Sri Lanka. Developments in new technology have
radically changed the nature of map production and the distribution of spatial data among
users. This study was designed to identify collection of maps (map collection) in libraries of
Sri Lanka and to evaluate the cartographic information needs of users in special libraries and
academic libraries.
To identify libraries and institutions, that use maps, a prebrminary survey was conducted. 35
special libraries and 8 university libraries were identified. A survey was then carried out to
identify the users of maps in these institutions and universities. It was found that the number
of users was limited. Therefore the whole population was taken into the survey. Two sets of
questionnaires were sent to the libraries/ institutions and to the users respectively.
With the results of this study, it was possible to identify maps according to four main
categories, namely special libraries, map centres in institutions, map libraries in universities
and geography and geology departments in universities. Nine (9) map producing institutions
were also identified along with the Survey Department of Sri Lanka. Map collections in the
above four categories were analyzed under type and format of maps, organization, storage,
collection management and user services.