: is an increasing demand for speedy and accurate banking and financial information in an open
nomic society. Over the past two decades bank Libraries in Sri Lanka have been working in coration
with each other to obtain information required by their patrons. This worked effectively to
hange publications, borrow books and to get publications and information. But now, with the
iative taken by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL), this corporative activity takes place as a
work in a formal and organised manner.
SL Library and Information Centre has taken upon them to set out the objectives of this network
iject, select relevant participating libraries, and initiate activities to share resources. The main
ective of this project is to improve and enhance services to the banking sector. By improving and
lancing services, it is expected to improve the professional skills and experience of participatory
•ary staff. This would undoubtedly lead to value added products and services, image building and
e more marketable services.