Scoparia dulcis Lin. (Family: Scrophulariaceae, Sinhala:
Wal kottamalli) is a perennial herb commonly found in
many tropical countries including Sri Lanka
(Dassanayaka, 1981). In folk and traditional medicine in
Brazil, it is widely used as an analgesic and this effect
has been experimentally proven in mice (de Farias Freire,
cl. Al, 1993). However, in the traditional Ayurvedic
system of medicine in Sri Lanka S. dulcis is not used to
alleviate pain (as an analgesic or/and antihyperalgesic)
although, it is used in several other countries as in Brazil
(ex. in diabetes mellitus) (de Farias Freire, et. A l , 1993).
Is it due to lack of analgesic and/or antihyperalgesic
P^itcntials in Sri lankan S. dulcis or due to possession of
hyperalgesic activity? We thought it is worth examining
^cause if pain impairing activity is present in the local
^- ^"/c(".y plant, it could be used as a painkiller by Sri
Lankan native physicians. As about 35% of the Sri
Lankan population still principally depends on Ayurvedic
''•"t'it'onal systems of health care (Mahindapala,
abu " ' ' ^ ' ' ^ ' ^ culturally acceptable. The plant is
^ndant in ''Kiges,!! also provides a .icapcr
aiin"?^"^*^ ^ developing nation like Sri Lanka. The
pi in" investigate whether local S. dulcis
Usin '^'^^'^•'^•'^ P^'" relieving potential using rats and
^ P^iinl decoction (D).