The objective of this study was to evaluate the antidiuretic potential of Scoparia dulcis Linn (Family
Scrophulariaceae) herb using the hydrated rat assay technique with three concentrations (2, 4 or 8 g) of decoction (DE
made according to the traditional system of medicine in Sri Lanka. The DE or reference drug (ADH) or vehicle (water) wa
orally administered to rats and their urine output was monitored over 6 h. AH three doses of DE caused profound am
significant impairments of total urine output. The antidiuretic effect had a rapid onset (within 2 h) and short duration o
action (2 h). The DE was well tolerated and was neither hepatotoxic nor nephrotoxic. Further, DE increased the specifn
gravity and osmolarity of urine. It is concluded that antidiuretic action was mediated either via ADH like action o
potentiation of endogenous ADH action and the DE has the potential to be used as an antidiuretic in Ayurvedic treatment