The aim of (his study was to evaluate the diuretic
and antidiuretic effects of fruit extracts of unripe Mormodica
charantia Linn, and Mormodica dioica Roxb. (Family:
Cucurbitaceae), using the hydrated rat assay technique and a
randomized Latin square design. H i e freeze dried extracts
suspended in 0.5% polyvinylpyrrolidone in dose of
30-60 mg/kg or hydi'ochlorothiazide (diuretic, 30 mg/kg) or
hydralazine (antidiuretic, 30 nig/kg) wc'"e administered
orally to male rats and their urine output was monitored over
a 5 h period. The urine samples and both fruit extracts were
analysed for sodium and potassium content using flame photometry.
Both extracts failed to induce significant diuretic
and antidiuretic activities. In contract, ttie reference diuretic
and antidiuretic drugs caused a significant increase and
reduction respectively in urine output. Urinary sodium
excretion also remained unaltered vvidi extract treatments
but urinary potassium content increased markedly {M. charantia
by 66% and M. dioica by 60%J and significantly.
Further, both extracts had a high endogcnou potassium content
{M. charanua and M. dioica o5 and 85 mcq/l respec-
Uvely). We conclude tliat M. charantia and M. dioica fruits
ma\ be useful as a ciieap food supplement to replenish
potassium loss m patients on diuretic therapy. ,Mcd Sci Res
27:821-82.^ © 1999 LipphicoU Williams ik Wilkin^