This study reveled that the national caesarian section rate was 20 percent and in the CSHW
it was as high as 34 percent in 2004. The study finding very clearly shows that the national
caesarian section rate of 20 percent is in par with the national rats of other countries in the
world. The main four indications for Caesarian Sections found in this study were; fetal
distress, previous sections, lack of progress of labour and failed induction in the CSHW in
2004. Finding shows that 59 percent of all caesarian surgeries that were performed in
CSHW in 2004 were among mothers of the age group of 26 to 36 years, which may be
attributed to average age of marriage in the country. The highest numbers (234 = 41 percent
) of cacesarian sections were performed during the time slot of 12.01p.m, to 6.00 p.m. The
induction related fetal distress. , lack of progress of labour and finally the failed induction
may be the probable explanation. The socio- cultural values seems to be still playa great role
in pregnancy and marital status as majority was of mothers were ( 99.64 percent) married.
One should take prrrrecaitions in interpreting these study finding as the results were
obtained through a study sample and not by means of examining the entire study
population. Hence, obviously the inferences that are drown also were based on results
deriving from that study sample, which may only on approximation of the true picture