Objective of the study in to determine the tretment seeking and anti-TB drug collecting
behaviour of new cases of pulmonary tuberculosis patients aged 15 years or more who are
treted at goverment medical institutions in the district of Gampaha.An early tretment
seeking behaviour was present among the patients while multiple constitutions prior to
diagnosis highlight an existence of delay in diagnosis.The deaulter rate was 20.3 and 71 of
the toatal defaulters,defaulted after the commencement of ambulatory tretment.Median
duration of defaulting was 59 days.Smoking and not living with family members were
significantly associated with defaulting.Lack of awarness regarding specifications relate to
symptoms suggestive of PTB and confimatory diagnostic tests as well as under prescription
of anti-TB therapy in terms of both dosage and duration of tretment was the deficiencies
intified.Reduction of defauting has to be targeted through finding reasons for educating the
patients and their relations and strenthening the available defaulter tracing mechanism.Also
it is recommended that programmes have to be conducted to upgrade the knowledge of the
service providers with a view to improve the case findings in terms of quality and quantity.