Two structured interviewer administered questionnaire were used for data collection. The
health Assessment Questionnaire 8 item disability index was used after modifications in the
assessment of disability. Statistical analysis was done using the PSPP package ( open source
version of the SPSS package) Univariate analysis was done to describe the study population,
treatment seeking behaviour and the treatment related out of pocket expenditure. Bivariate
analysis was done to elicit the relationships between the independent and dependent
variables. OPP expenses were incurred by 99.5 percent of the total study population whereas
a considerable proportion (m 47.0 percent ) Incurred OOP expenses on medicine. Possibility
of distributing of health educational reading material among clinic attendees to educate them
on the disease and improve compliance; rectification of discrepancy between prescribed
drugs and what is available at the hospital pharmacy to minimize OOP expenditure on
prescribed medicine, structural modifications at home, work place and public places
considering most affected functional categories.