Study was conducted at Professorial Obstetrics and Gynaecology unit of Teaching Hospital,
Peradeniya. 226 primi gravid mothers between 18 to 3S years of age with singleton
uncomplicated pregnancies, who attended antenatal clinic and received inward care of
Professorial Obstetrics and Gynaecology unit of the Teaching Hospital Peraden iya were
selected. Comparisons were made between women with a body mass index of 18 to 2S and
those with more than 2S with regard to following outcomes. To compare the association of
booking visit maternal BMI in normal and high BMI categories on, past dates, induction of
labour, fetal distress, presence of meconium stain liquor, mode of delivery, birth weight,
presence or absence of congenital abnormalities, early neonatal complications (admission to
special care baby unit) There was a significant difference of past dates.