To evaluate the success rate of cervical ripening by foley cather in the pregnant mothers
with past dates ( 40wks+ 7d.), To evaluate maternal and foetal complications of cervical
ripening by foley catheter in the pregnant mothers with past dates ( 40wks+7d). Pregnant
women admitted to ward 18 in North Colombo Teaching Hospital - Ragama for delivery
were eligible to participate for the study provided that they had fulfilled the inclusion and
exclusion criteria. Then the informed written consent was taken and proper ultra sonogram
and baseline cardiotocography were done. Then per vaginal examination was performed to
assess the initial Bishop's score. The cervical ripening by foley catheter was a very effective,
simple, safer and cost effective. It was associated with the improvement in the cervical
Bishop's score and increased number of successful vaginal deliveries. High initial Bishop's
score ( specially) if it is four or more) leads to successful induction and vice versa.
Successful induction by foley catheter also depends on the parity of the pregnant mother.