An unmatched case control study was conducted to identify the risk factors contributing to
preterm delivery. The study included 113 women as cases who delivered at preterm and 226
women as controls who delivered at term. The study was carried out between June and
October 2006 at the De Soyza Hospital for Women. A univariate analysis found that none of
the sociodemographic factors were associated with preterm delivery. Many "pregnancy
related factors" were found to be associated with preterm delivery. Multivariate logistic
regression analysis identified a prior history of miscarriage ( or - 6.7; 95 percent CI =5.6-
212.6) as risk factors for preterm delivery. Four or more visits to the hospital antenated
clinic (or -0.05- 95 percent CI -0.018-0.15) were identified as protective factors for
preterm delivery . Among the other related factors , less than 48 hours of time interval
between sexual intercourse and delivery (or -10.9;95 percent CI =2.8-43.2) was found to be
a risk factor for preterm delivery on the multiple logistic regression model. The proportion
of preterm deliveries among all deliveries was 13.8 percent. It is recommended that the
preterm deliveries should be included into the health information system and that steps
should be taken to reduce the miscarriage rate in Sri Lanka. Futhermore regukar antenatal
clinic visitd should be emphasized to the pregnant mothers.