Randomized controlled trial of prophylactic oxytocin versus ergometrine for the prevention of atonic primary postpartum haemorrhage.

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dc.contributor.author Prathapan, R.
dc.date.accessioned 2011-12-09T02:56:35Z
dc.date.available 2011-12-09T02:56:35Z
dc.date.issued 2008
dc.identifier.citation MD (Obstetrics & Gynaecology) en_US
dc.identifier.uri http://archive.cmb.ac.lk:8080/xmlui/handle/70130/1180
dc.description.abstract A randomised control trial was conducted to compare the post partum blood loss. The study included 47 women who received Oxytocin and 51 women who received Ergometrine. This study was carriedout from 1st November 2005 to 23h April 2006 at Colombo South Teaching Hospital. In the univariateanalysis none of the factors considered for post partum blood loss were found to be statistically significant with the type of drug used ; post partum blood loss ( p =0.89). Difference of haemoglobin ( p=0.96). Outcome of pregnancy and type of drug used revealed that none of the factors were statistically significant’ nature of the labour ( p=0.048), duration of third stage of labour (p=0.64) need for additional therapeutic use of drug (p=0.46) , weight of the placenta ( p=0.34.0) manual removal of placenta (p=0.54) . The side effects in the groups were found to be statistically s
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.title Randomized controlled trial of prophylactic oxytocin versus ergometrine for the prevention of atonic primary postpartum haemorrhage. en_US
dc.type Research abstract en_US

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