The vectorial status of anopheline species prevalent
at Ampagala in the wet zone of Sri Lanka, where an epidemic
outbreak of Pla.smQdJ~umY~va.x occured, was investigated. The
study was carried out during June to December 1983. The resul ts
showed the presence of thirteen (13) species of anophe1ines
(Ag.aconitus, !!!.annularis, !!!. barbirostris, An.culicifacies, , Ag..iamesi, !a.karwari, !a.maculatus, :W,.nigerrimus, :W,.pal 1idus ,
An.subpictus, !g. tesselatus, An.vagus and An.yaruna) showing
monthly variations in prevalence. All these species showed
some attraction to llUk~.!a.culicif~cies and!a.subpictus were
found resting indoori. Four (4) species Aa.culicifacies,
!r!.~, !!2..iamesi and !a.,karwari were found infected with
Plasmodia. The ob~ervation seem to suggest !a.-culicifacies
the already known vecto!.', to be the most efficient species in
the transmission of human malaria in the area. Most of the
other species specially those found wi~h natural infections of
.PlasID6dia may be playing some role in transmission, particularly
when present in high deDSities and in the presence of high
parasite carriers. Therefore most of the species of anophe1ines
in the area could be potential vectors of human malaria.