Passion mottle is a destructive virus among viral diseases
of P. edulis in'Sri Lanka. TYpical foliage mottle and malformed
fruit are the characteristic symptoms of the disease and causes.a
marked reduction in productivity. It is highly sap transmissible;
spread very rapidly mainly by mechanical means and young leaves
with symptoms are the best inoculum for the sap transmission.
It loses infectivity in sap after dilution to 1:100 - 1:1000;
heating for ten minutes at 50 - 558C or storage at room temperature
(28OC) fo~ 29-46 hours.
The common weeds C.occidentalis, P. foetida and C.ameranticol~r
with nine varieties of E. vul~~~~~ act as other susceptible hosts.
In certain instances expression of mild mottle was recorded
with some isolates from P. foetida, designated 'mild strains'.
Host range and physical properties as thermal inactivation point,
longevity in vitro and dilution end point; of these strains
resemble the severe strain'. Only difference is in the degree of
symptoms expression. In systemic produces mild symptoms
and in local lesion hosts lesser number of necrotic spots.
Experiments also started on protection of P. edulis seedlings
using these 'mild strains'. These are of long term nature
and are continuing.