This dissertation is tl~ result of a study cBrti~d
out during a seven month period ~rom Janwiry to
July 1985, in tl~ Maduru Oya Reservoir. 'rho fibbing
is done by 5.6 m fibre glass "Kulla" boats fl.1d is'
exclusively a gill net fishery. There is ono landing
sita lor toe reservoir and the estimated Jandirii::S at
tbe site du.r1.ng the seven month poriad. is three hundred
MT. An average of 96 craft per month had been in
operation and about 150 fislJermenwere engaged in the
The growtn para~eters for the ~ajor species Oreochromis
rnoBsambicus we:r.'e as tjnn, tedr;o be IJ '" 35.5 ems i and CP -.
(annual) =2.Q62. The instantaneous nutural mortality
was estimated at 2.736. 'l'r e length we:i t rolart 1011Ghip
was estimated to be~; '" 0.1374 L2. .3999"
The potential fish yield was estimatedto be 953 MT.
per annum. The exploitation rate \V'HiI~()1;,~:'C'r"ined to be
. .26 which1ndicates that there is room for expansion
of thefisflery.