The study was conducted in two phases phase I and phase II. The sample for phase I
consisted of a total of 1380 individuals who were aged 20 and above selected from 60
clusters in the Colombo district. Data were collected by means of an interviewer
administered questionnaire, clinical oral examination and physical examination. The number
of missing teeth and adjusted missing teeth, associations between tooth loss and sociodemographic and behavioral variables, minimum number of teeth needed for satisfactory
oral health related quality of life and the effect of tooth loss on the nutritional status were
assessed in this phase of the study. Phase II: The sample included of 480 individuals who
were 20 years and above attending dental clinics for a dental extraction who received an
appointment for a dental extraction and/or who eventually ended' up with dental extraction.
This phase assessed the reasons for tooth extraction and factors leading to the decision to
extract teeth. The minimum number of teeth needed for satisfactory oral health related
quality of life for the two age groups 40-59 and 60 year were 26-27 and 21-22 teeth
respectively. BMI and BMA were significantly associated (pO.O I) with missing teeth.
Prevalence of malnutrition was 19.3 percent and 29.8 percent when BMl and BMA were
considered respectively.