This descriptive cross sectional study was undertaken with the objective to evaluate the
record keeping system of Public Health Inspectors PHII and the use of information reported
by them at the MOH (Medical Officer of Health) level in the North Central Province of Sri
Lank A self-administered questionnaire. six checklist: and a focus .group discussion were
used as data collection instruments. The knowledge and attitudes of' PHII towards their
record keeping system was good and there is a significant association between supervision
and quality. of the data provided by them. The pocket Note Book, Monthly Report,
Infectious Disease Register, Food Analysis Register, Register and Quarterly School health
Return were the most important documents in carrying out their duties. The Sanitation
Register, License and Trade Register, Latrine Construction Register, Temporary Building
Application Register and the Building Application Register were selected as the most
difficult registers to be maintained and the least important documents. There were no
proper in-service training conducted in record keeping requirements after the basic training
to update the knowledge of PH11. Poor coordination between MOH level and higher
levels (district and the central level) regarding review of performance of PH11 is one of
the major problems at present. There is a need for a revision of existing record keeping
system PH11. The role and responsibilities 0f PH1l also should be revised to get their
services 10 address new health problems in the community . He should be empowered to
and build his capacity to conduct occupational health screening and injury prevention
programmes in the community.