This study was designed to compare obstetric outcomes in a cohort of 128 pregnant women
with first trimester .threatened miscarriage and 256 asymptomatic, age, BMI and paritymatched controls who admitted to antenatal ward or labor room for delivery during the
same time scale. Main outcome measures were gestational age and birth weight. Incidences
of other adverse pregnancy outcomes and their correlation with amount of bleeding and
progestogen treatment was also analyzed. Of the viable pregnancies delivered within the
study period , 8.4 percent had a history of threatened miscarriage. Compared to controls ,
women presenting with threatened miscarriage were more likely to deliver prematurely,
5.9 percent and l5.6 percent . respectively, (relative risk =2.975. 95 percent confidence
interval risk (Cl) 1.467-6.033 p=.003) and this risk was even higher in preterm delivery
before 34 weeks (relative risk = 3.37. CI = 1,072=10,447 p= 038). They were also more
likely to have oligohydrarnnios (OR=4.88, CI=1.11-24.25, p=.018). Risk was even higher
with advanced maternal, age (34years). Although the incidence of antenatal placental
complications was similar, that of retained placenta was higher in the study group (X 2
=10.132, df=l, P=O.004). Women with threatened miscarriage in the first trimester are at
increased risk of some adverse outcomes including premature delivery, and this risk factor
should be considered when deciding upon antenatal surveillance and management of their