A prospective cohort study carried out on all women, registering antenatal clinic,
professorial unit; De Soysa Maternity Hospital for the duration of six months, by the aid of
questionnaire to develop customized growth charts for Sri Lankan babies by examining
physiological variables, influencing fetal growth, to determine cut off point for small for
gestational age babies in Sri Lanka and to examine relationship between birth weight and
several physiological variables. The mean birth weight increased with increase height of
mother. and a positive correlation was seen (R=O.124). The mean birth weight of baby
increased with maternal weight booking weight and birth weight of baby was well
correlated (R= +.0.343L). Maternal weight: alone causes 11.7 percent variation in birth
weight.90 percent of babies delivered at ten. The mean birth weight of new born increased
with gestational duration at delivery. The mean birth weight of males was higher than
female new born. This difference was statistically significant. (P=O.027). 19.5 percent of
babies were below 2.5kg birth weight. Low birth weight was higher in small women. This
study examined a variety of physiological birth weight determinant and assessed their
relative importance. This study population in insufficient to develop growth centime charts.
This study can be used as preliminary study for future survey