Study on the bypass of primary level natal care services in Kurunegala District.

Show simple item record Kahandaliyanage, H.A.P 2011-12-07T10:47:00Z 2011-12-07T10:47:00Z 1993
dc.identifier.citation MSc.(Community Medicine) en_US
dc.description.abstract This was a hospital based descriptive study to assess the magnitude of bypass and to identify the factors influencing this phenomenon. This was conducted at the GH Kurunegala from 6 th to the 27 th of July 1993. The findings of the study indicated that 35 per cent of the mothers admitted to GH Kurunegala have bypassed a primary level natal care institution closest to their residence. There was over-crowding and over-utilization of natal care services observed at GH Kurunagela. It was evident that this was due to the fact that there was no admission policy, referral or back -referral system operating at this institution. There was no significance associated observed between the distance travelled to GH Kurunegal, and the education level, family income or the employment status of the mother at 5 per cent level. There was also no association observed between the employment status of the husband and the distance travelled to the GH Kurunegala at 5 per cent significance level. The antenatal care received by mothers have been above the approved quality and coverage as revealed by the indicators, and, to the satisfaction of the mothers. All these indicators of antenatal care were above 90 per cent coverage. A surprising feature observed in this study was 56 per cent of the mothers have been advised by the field midwife to gain admission to GH Kurunegala for delivery
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.title Study on the bypass of primary level natal care services in Kurunegala District. en_US
dc.type Research abstract en_US

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