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Results 6981-6990 of 7305 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).
Item hits:
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Historical Relations of Bay of Bengal Region: A case study of revisiting pluralistic memory through Historiography of 11th and 12th century Sri Lanka, India (Southern) and MyanmarWijegoonawardana, Nirmali
2018Functionalist Regional Cooperation: South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation for Peace in the RegionMelegoda, Nayani; Padmakumara, Chaminda
2014The librarian as an information source and a mediator in supporting learning behavior of undergraduates: a case study at University of PeradeniyaWijetunge, Pradeepa; Darmarathne, Ajantha
2012Automatic document classification using a domain ontologyWijewickrema, P.K.C.M.; Gamage, Ruwan
2020Stress Among Undergraduates: A case study of University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.Mahees, M.T.M.
2017Ethical Concerns or Medical Dominance? Ethical Responsibility Conflicts Between Mental Health Authorities and Social ResearchersAbeysinghe, Dilrukshi
2008The Relationship Between Nonqualified Allopathic Medical Practitioners and Their PatientsAbeysinghe, Dilrukshi
2023Strategizing Humanitarian Affairs: The Bilateral Relations between India and Sri Lanka Since 2009Wakkumbura, Menik
2022Post-war national reconciliation during 2015-2019. In Post-war democracy-building initiatives in Sri Lanka 2015-2019: Lessons learned. (pp.83-100).Wakkumbura, Menik
2022The role of external actors and democratic reforms. In Post-war democracy-building initiatives in Sri Lanka 2015-2019: Lessons learned. (pp.66-82).Wakkumbura, Menik