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Results 6881-6890 of 7305 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2008Alcohol consumption among adults in Sri Lanka - prevalence, pattern and underlying factorsKarunaratne, K.G.N.S.; Wickramasinghe, K.; Katulanda, P.; Mahesh, J.G.; Rathnapala, D.A.V.; Constantine, G.R.; Sheriff, M.H.R.
2009Cardiac ischaemia and left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) in electrocardiographs (ECGs) and their correlates among Sri Lankan adultsCaldera, T.S.K.R.D.; Liyanage, I.K.; Herath, H.R.I.S.; Constantine, G.R.; Sheriff, M.H.R.; Matthews, D.R.; Katulanda, P.
2006Choice of Poison for Intentional Self-Poisoning in Rural Sri LankaEddleston, M.; Karunaratne, A.; Weerakoon, M.; Kumarasinghe, S.; Rajapakse, M.; Sheriff, M.H.R.; Gunell, D.
2008Development and validation of a risk score for targeted screening of prevalent diabetes among adults in Sri LankaKatulanda, P.; Hill, N.; Thilakarathne, K.W.A.S.; Mahesh, J.G.; Sheriff, M.H.R.; Matthews, D.R.
2009Association of body height with diabetes, blood pressure and metabolic syndrome among Sri Lankan adultsRanasinghe, P.; Jayawardena, M.A.N.A.A.D.; Ganegoda, U.A.; Constantine, G.R.; Sheriff, M.H.R.; Matthews, D.R.; Katulanda, P.
2008Adult health promotion record (AHPR) - a tool for prevention of lifestyle related epidemic chronic diseasesKatulanda, P.; Wickramasinghe, K.; Ranasinghe, D.C.; Matthews, D.R.; Sheriff, M.H.R.
2009A comparative study on pregnancy outcomes and contraceptive use in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus and those with rheumatoid arthritis or no chronic illnessGalappatthy, P.; Jayasinghe, D.J.D.; Paththinige, C.S.; Wijeratne, L.; Sheriff, M.H.R.
2010National Prevalence of Obesity: Prevalence of overweight and obesity in Sri Lankan adultsKatulanda, P.; Jayawardena, M.A.R.; Sheriff, M.H.R.; Constantine, G.R.; Matthews, D.R.
1999Nebulization: is it done properly? A clinical auditKudalugoda Arachchi, J.; Fernando, S.S.D.; Sheriff, M.H.R.
1999Descriptive study of SLE patients followed up in the University of Colombo Lupus Research ClinicGalappatthy, P.; Wazeel, A.N.; Kudalugoda Arachchi, J.; Mezamia, N.; Fernando, S.S.D.; Sheriff, M.H.R.