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Results 6871-6880 of 7305 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).
Item hits:
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017Computer Vision Based Object Tracking as a Teaching Aid for High School Physics ExperimentsGD Illeperuma; DUJ Sonnadara
2018Lightning Localization Based on VHF Broadband Interferometer Developed in Sri LankaRuwan Abeywardhana; Sidath Abegunawardana; Fernando Mahendra; Upul Sonnadara; Vernon Cooray
2018GPS based maritime boundary identification application for mobile phonesBM Safras; AA Ajmal; DUJ Sonnadara
2018Audible Frequency Analysis of Ground FlashesSidath Abegunawardana; JAP Bodhika; Sankha Nanayakkara; Upul Sonnadara; Mahendra Fernando; Vernon Cooray
2017A Simulation Model for Interactive Tree Growth in a Complex EnvironmentDamith Jinasena; D.U.J. Sonnadara
2018Time-Frequency Analysis of vertical and horizontal electric field changes of lightning negative return strokes observed in Sri LankaTALN Gunasekara; SN Jayalal; Mahendra Fernando; Upul Sonnadara; Vernon Cooray
2018Optical observations of electrical activity in cloud dischargesSPA Vayanganie; M Fernando; U Sonnadara; Vernon Cooray; C Perera
2018Horizontal electric fields of lightning return strokes and narrow bipolar pulses observed in Sri LankaTALN Gunasekara; M Fernando; U Sonnadara; Vernon Cooray
2000Acute yellow oleander (Thevetia peruviana) poisoning: cardiac arrhythmias, electrolyte disturbances, and serum cardiac glycoside concentrations on presentation to hospitalEddleston, M.; Ariaratnam, A.C.; Sjöström, L.; Jayalath, S.; Rajakanthan, K.; Rajapakse, S.; Colbert, D.; Meyer, W.P.; Perera, G.; Attapattu, S.; Kularatne, S.A.M.; Sheriff, M.H.R.; Warrell, D. A.
2010Apolipoproteins in diabetes dyslipidaemia in South Asians with young adult-onset diabetes: distribution, associations and patternsKatulanda, G.W.; Katulanda, P.; Adler, A.I.; Peris, S.R.; Draisey, I.; Wijeratne, S.; Sheriff, M.H.R.; Matthews, D.R.; Shine, Brian