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Results 6861-6870 of 7305 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2009A study of immunological profile, disease characteristics and socioeconomic status of a population of rheumatoid arthritis patients in Sri LankaRajapaksa, G.K.; De Silva, V.; Goonathilake, S.; Athukorala, I.; Wijayarathna, L.S.; Udagama-Randeniya, P.V.
2015Heavy metal mediated immunomodulation of the Indian green frog, Euphlyctis hexadactylus (Anura:Ranidae) in urban wetlandsPriyadarshani, S; Madhushani, W.A.N.; Jayawardena, U.A.; Wickramasinghe, D.D.; Udagama, P.V.
2010Genetic complexity of Plasmodium vivax infections in Sri Lanka, as reflected at the merozoite-surface-protein-3a locusWICKRAMARACHCHI, T.; PREMARATNE, P. H.; DIAS, S; HANDUNNETTI, S. M.; UDAGAMA-RANDENIYA, P. V.
2012Cost-effective diagnosis of male oxidative stress using the nitroblue tetrazolium test: useful application for the developing worldAmarasekara, D. S.; Wijerathna, S.; Fernando, C.; Udagama, P. V.
1994Electrophoretic analysis of coniferyl alcohol oxidase and related laccasesSavidge, Rodney; Udagama-Randeniya, Preethi
2004Seroprevalence of Sarcosystis spp. in Cattle and Buffaloes from the Wet and Dry Zones of Sri Lanka: a Preliminary StudyKalubowila, D.G.W.; Udagama-Randeniya, P.V.; Perera, N.A.N.D.; Rajapakse, R.P.V.J.
2011Factors influencing for entering the physical science stream through the first attempt of the G.C.E (A/ L) examinationRajamuni, R.D.P.M.; Abeygunawardana, R.A.B.
2011A detailed analysis of a genotype-environment study on rice in Sri LankaWickramasinghe, W.M.P.M.; Wickremasinghe, W.N.; Abeygunawardana, R.A.B.
2012Life history & food habits of the inland silvers menidia seryllina.In A.New jersey salt MarshCoorey, D.N.; Able, K.W.; Shisler, J.K.
2017Climate Change Projections Over Sri LankaA Thevakaran; J. McGregor; J Katzfey; M Thatcher; R Suppiah; U Sonnadara