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Results 6411-6420 of 7305 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012Network design for mesoscale inversions of CO2 sources and sinksLAUVAUX, T.; SCHUH, A. E.; BOCQUET, M.; WU, L.; RICHARDSON, S.; MILES, N.; DAVIS, K. J.
2000Effects of increased nitrogen deposition on soil nematodes in alpine tundra soilsLokupitiya, E.; Stanton, N. L.; Seville, R. S.; Snider, J. R.
2016Population genetic data for ten miniSTR loci in the Sri Lankan populationGoonawardhana, N. D. S.; Jayasekara, G. S. K. W.; Elanahai, V.; Udagama, P. V.; Fernandopulle, N. D.
2005Comparison of missing value imputation methods for crop yield dataLokupitiya, Ravindra S.; Lokupitiya, Erandathie; Paustian, Keith
2010Coupling land surface and crop growth models for predicting evapotranspiration and carbon exchange in wheat-maize rotation croplandsD. Yang, H. Lei; Lokupitiya, , E.; Shen, Y.
2012Is the G.C.E. (AL) Bio Science stream a dead end to educational opportunity in the Bio Science streamRupasinghe, S.
2021Influence Of The Average Adult Definition On International DRL Comparison And OptimizationSatharasinghe, DM; Wanninayake, WMNMB; Pallewatte, AS; Jeyasugiththan, Jeyasingam
2014SuSi : A Monte Carlo model of a novel proton CT Scanner using Geant4Price, Tony; Taylor, Jon; Esposito, Michela; Poludniowski, Gavin; Jeyasingam, Jeyasugiththan
2016Time - Frequency Analysis of Narrow Bipolar Pulses observed in Sri LankaL Gunasekara; A. Vayanganie; S Jayalal; M Fernando; U Sonnadara; V Cooray
2018A Kinetic Theory Based Model for Dengue TransmissionErandi, K.K.W.H.; Mahasinghe, Anuradha; Perera, S.S.N.