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Results 6331-6340 of 7305 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011Health impacts of diesel vehicle emissions: the case of ColomboChandrasiri, Sunil
2015සමාජ යථාර්තය නිර්මාණය කිරීමෙහිලා ඡායාරූපයේ සමකාලීන භූමිකාවWeerasinghe, Tudor
2011Female Labor Supply and Child Care: In the case of Urban Young Couple with Pre-school ChildrenPremaratne, S.P.
2011Scope For Effective Energy Conservation Practices In The Information And Communication Technology Industry : A Time Series Examination of a Case from the Sri Lankan Corporate SectorGunaruwan, T. Lalithasiri; Indika, M.G. Nuwan; Gajanayake, Akvan
2011Has the Sri Lankan economic growth been export-led? An Econometric AssessmentGunaruwan, T. Lalithasiri
2020Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Long-Term Annual Average Air Temperature over Sri LankaWijeratne, V.P.I.S.; Manawadu, L.; Kaushalya, G.N.
2019The Economic purpose development of public open space and ecological disruption: A case study with the special reference with Crow Island beach park in ColomboRewathy, K.; Hafsa, M.N.F.
2020Impacts of Soil Degradation: Case Study in Bogawantalawa South Grama Niladhari Division, Nuwara Eliya District, Sri LankaKrishnasoban, M.; Ruzaik, Fareena
2011Developing a Classification Schema for the Discipline of GIS: Based on the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) System: A knowledge Structure based ApproachKarunarathne, A
2009Modeling GIS to Investigate Soil Erosion Potentials of Watersheds: A Micro Catchment Based Analysis of a Developing CountryKarunarathne, A