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Results 6071-6080 of 7305 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).
Item hits:
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017Impact of human capital investment on labour market outcomes: The Sri Lankan experienceRanasinghe, A.
2017Can graduates increase earnings by acquiring multiple qualifications?Pushpakumara, T.A.M.; Ranasinghe, A.
2017Technical efficiency in the production of economic knowledge in state universities in Sri Lanka: A nonparametric perspective on multiple outputs and the role of studentsKurukulasooriya, N.; Ranasinghe, A.
2017Knowledge, attitudes, and behaviour related to Non-Communicable Disease prevention: An intervention-based study in the Padukka MOH areaLiyanage, J.H.C.; Higuchi, M.
2017Ethnic differences in university students’ knowledge of HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted infectionsKarunarathne, H.V.V.M.P.
2017Health-seeking behaviour of patients diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease with uncertain etiology: Complementary system for health service deliveryLiyanage, J.H.C.
2017Identifying the relationship between land fragmentation and agricultural productivity: A study with reference to vegetable land of the Wakandawala North Grama Niladari Division in the Weeraketiya D.S. Division, Hambanthota DistrictKarunadasa, D.M.
2017Impact of socio-demographic factors on the decorative consumption of wristwatches among employees in ColomboKarunanayake, C.; Gunaruwan, T.L.
2017Humanising development: Bringing home homeless humans and dogs to the development discourse in Sri LankaKumara, K.K.
2017“Underserved” or “Undeserved”? A study on the identity formation of the ‘slum’ and ‘shanty’ dwellers in ColomboKorala, A.