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Results 5731-5740 of 7331 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2010Immunity induced by live malarial sporozoites under chloroquine treatment is strain-specificWijayalath, WAWK; Cheesman, S; Rajakaruna, J; Weerasinghe, S; Kapilananda, GMG; Gamage, K; Perera, K; Handunnetti, SM; Carter, R; Pathiarana, PPSL
2011Factors influencing resistance to information technology related change in the telecommunication industry: A case study of Dialog telecomTennakoon, Hemamali
2010The Use of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) assay for diagnosis of Malaria in a malaria endemic region of Sri LankaGunasekera, W. M. K. T. de A. W.; Abeyasinghe, R. R.; Premawansa, S.; Fernando, S.D.
2012Prevalence of cyber plagiarism among MBA studentsLiyanage, M.P.P.
2012Software Reliability Estimation Using Cubic Splines Network ModelKelanibandara, K.W.K.B.P.L.M.
2010Dogs as a possible animal reservoir for leishmaniasis in Dickwella, Sri LankaAbayaweera, Charani A; Siriwardana, Yamuna; Abeywardana, T J; Rathnayaka, R M U K; Kumarasinghe, H G C Nuwan; Karunaweera, Nadira D
2010Study of prevalence of diabetes, hypertension, hypercholesterolaema and obesity in non academic staff of a Medical Faculty (DHHO study) using a screening programde Abrew, W K; Weeraratne, C L; Wijeratne, T D; Perera, H; de Abrew, A G; Lakshmee, D L S
2010A sero – epidemiological study in a previously highly malaria endemic area in Sri LankaDewasurendra, R.L.; Fernando, S. D.; Carter, R.; Karunaweera, N.D.
2006Collection development practices of Arabic college libraries in Sri Lanka – Comparative studyAZAIDM, SALDEEN MOHAMED
2000The Navigational and Cognitive problems of Hypertext and HypermediaKuruppu, D.C.