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Results 5701-5710 of 7331 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).
Item hits:
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2010Privacy protection and security of on-line data in a modern technological eraRanasinghe, Seuwandhi B.
2010Fiscal Problems and the Need for the Enhancement of Indirect Taxation in Sri LankaAmirthalingam, Kopalapillai
2010The Significance of 'Critical Border Thinking' and 'Languaging' in the Sri Lankan ContextTantrigoda, Pavithra; de Silva, Esther Surenthiraraj
2015Estimation of the physiological maturity of bell pepperHiran H. E. Jayaweera; Anderson, B.; Brydegaard, M.; Svanberg, S.
2015Experiences in the school library usage as a guideline for planning information literacy programmes: with special reference to the new entrants of LLB programme at University of PeradeniyaWijetunge, Pradeepa; Alahakoon, Champa N. K.
2010Perceptual Differentiation on the status of Man and Woman as reflected by Traditional Domestic Architecture in Sri Lanka with special emphasis on Kandyan areasWidyalankara, Anuththaradevi
2015Prior experiences of the new entrants in using the school library: with special reference to Management students, University of PeradeniyaWijetunge, Pradeepa; Gunasekera, Chamani
2015Prior experiences of library usage of the new entrants: with special reference to Bachelor of Arts undergraduates, University of PeradeniyaWijetunge, Pradeepa; Premarathne, B.N.G.S.
2014Shifting paradigm of the university library in the evolving landscape of higher educationWijetunge, Pradeepa
2010Environmental impacts due to river sand mining: A case studyPiyadasa, Ranjana U. K.