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Results 5591-5600 of 7347 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).
Item hits:
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2010Quality of life in clinic attendees of the diabetic clinic national hospital of Sri LankaDheerasinghe, D.S.A.F
2004Role of women on prevention of agrochemical poisoning in a farming community in the Tissamaharama divisional director of health services areaDissanayaka, W.C.W.M
2008Routine immunization information system : Data quality and associated factorsEdirisuriya, C.S
2007Association between maternal BMI and pregnancy out come in relation to birth weight, mode of delivery and maternal post delivery complicationsDissanayake, D.M.S
2009Assessment of capacity of preparedness and response of Colombo Municipal Council health institutions for public health emergencies related to floodsDolamulla, S
2003Factors associated with stress, coping strategies and psychological distress among postgraduate trainees selected medical specialties.Dissanayake, G.K
2008Consumer choice behavior : quality of private sector hospital servicesEdirisinghe, K
2005Iron status and its association with the educational performance and the intelligence of school going adolescents in the district of Kandy.Dissanayake, D
2005Use of community based malaria control measures (Mosquito nets and mosquito repellents) and selected factors associated with utilization of those measures by the community in divisional secretariat area Horowpothana.Denawaka, C. J
2006Disease pattern, level of satisfaction and perceptions on Ayurveda medical care of patients seeking treatment from registered private Ayurveda Practitioners in Kalutara District.De Silva, Y.N.P