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Results 5581-5590 of 7347 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).
Item hits:
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1998Comparison of antibiotic susceptibility results obtained with break points , minimum inhibitory concentrations and disc methodsFernando, A.T.P.G
2005Evaluation of the school dental services provided by the School Dental Therapists in the western province of Sri Lanka.Fernando, E.A
2007Cost estimation of diabetic clinic attendance at the General Hospital KandyFernando, P.H.S
2009Trauma care facilities in selected hospitals in the Western Province : Classification according to the proposed trauma care expectation matrix and the opinions of first contact medical officers regarding available facilities and trainingFernando, E
1994Prevalence and some factors influencing growth retardation of children of 6 months to 3 years in low income families in Kotte area.Fernando, D.A .L
1995Comparison of sterilization, aseptic and other protective measures employed by dental surgeons in the government and private sector.Fernando, E.A
1999Knowledge and practices on contraception among married female school teachers in Udunuwara MOH area and the use by them of available family planning servicesFernando, K.J. N
2001Knowledge and attitudes on some aspects of reproductive health among female Garment factory workers in the medical officer of health area MarawilaFernando, M.L.S.N
2003Comparison of post partum sequalae between mothers undergoing vaginal delivery and caesarian section.Fernando, M.M.P
2006Stress and coping strategies among school going adolescents aged 15 to 19 years in the Gampaha DistrictDissanayake, P.D.S.P