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Results 5571-5580 of 7347 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1994Sexually transmitted diseases and drug abuseGunaratne, C.D
2009Comparison of aggressive and expectant management of active labourThree hundred women were allocated to either protocol in a random manner . In the aggressive management assessments and vaginal examinations were carried out two Hourly, and oxytocin infusion was commenced if cervical dilatation is moved to the Right side of the alert line. In the expectant management protocol, assessments and vaginal examinations were carried out four hourly and oxytocin infusion was commenced when the action line easy reached or crossed. Thereafter assessments were carried out two hourly. Use of oxytocin duration of labour, mode of delivery, and apgar scores at 1, 5, 10 minutes. Age, period of gestation, cervical dilatation at the time of Recruitment to the study was similar. A markedly higher number of women received oxytocin and more women were under went operative deliveries in the aggressive management protocol compared with the expectant management protocol which was statistically significant.; Galappathty, W
2004Family and Community participation in the well being of elders in Kelaniya Medical Officer of Health area.Gamage, D.G
2000Prevalence and risk factors for emotional abuse among school children aged 13-15 years in a District in Sri LankaFernandopulle, P.S
1998Detection of chlamydia trachomatis in patients attending the sexually transmitted diseases clinic with non- gonococcal urethritisGalagoda, G.C.S
1996Study on the quality and coverage of death certification in a district of Sri Lanka.Fonseka, W.A.A.P
2004Fractionated intermittent auscultation as a predictive test of intrapartum foetal distress.Gamage, U R
1993Pattern of distribution of oral cancer by site in relation to habits among patients attending Cancer Institute, Maharagama.Gamage, N.T
1994Prevalence of anaemia and some risk factors in pregnant women in DDHS area DankotuwaFernandopulle, P.S
2001Study of chloroquine resistant P.falciparum malaria in Sri Lanka.Galappaththy, G.N.L