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Results 5541-5550 of 7347 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1997Study on knowledge and attitudes of Public Health midwives on selected mosquito borne diseases in the Anuradhapura District..Palipane, W.M
2006Case Book for MS (Restorative Dentistry)Jayasinghe, J.A.V.P
2008Solid waste management in households of the Yatiyantota Medical Officer of health areaJayasinghe, D.U.C.J
2002Evaluation of quality of dental care provided in private dental practices in greater Colombo area.Jayashantha, P.L.P
2003Prevelence of tooth loss and its impact on the elderlyPallegedara, P.M.M.C
1995Knowledge and attitudes on traditional and natural methods of family planning among female primary health care workers in Puttalam District.This study was carried out to assess the knowledge and attitudes on traditional and natural methods of FP among females primary health care workers. The study was conducted in the district of Puttalam with the full complement of female primary health care(PHC) staff engaged in field work in the entire district as the study population. The results of the study revealed that the knowledge of the PHC workers on both traditional and natural methods of FP was somewhat similar with a marginally better knowledge on NFP methods. The knowledge of the younger, unmarried PHC workers with a shorter period of service appeared to be better than the knowledge of the married respondents with a longer period of service. Higher school education of the PHC workers, participation in in-service programs and reading literature on traditional and NFP methods by them was associated with a better knowledge on these methods. The majority of respondents were neutral in their attitude towards traditional and NFP methods. The attitude of a quarter of the respondents were unfavorable and most of them were among the senior PHC workers; Hemachandra, A.P
2007Gynecological morbidity prevalence correlates perceptions and health care seeking behavior among ever married women in reproductive age in the Ratnapura District.Hemachandra, D.K.N.N
2005Knowledge attitudes and practices among husbands on some aspects of maternal care in Kahawatte MOH Area in Rathnapura District.Hemachandra, D.K.N.N
2004Study on food safety activities at divisional level in selected provinces in Sri LankaHerath, H.D.B
1990Study of the prevalence and some variables contributing to protein-energy malnutrition among the pre-school children in the working population of the estates in the Galle Region.Hapugoda, G.L