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Results 5471-5480 of 7347 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019A Demographic Profile of Heads of Public Libraries in Sri LankaGamage, Ruwan; Kumara, B.; Samaradiwakara, G.D.S.M.; Ananda Tissa, R.D.; Sunil, W.; Rathnayake, S.
2012Digital repository of University of Moratuwa libraryGamage, Ruwan; Punchihewa, C.N.D.; Kumara, A.D.B.
2023The implications of the digital divide on online learning among university students amidst the covid-19 pandemic: A systematic reviewAlikhan, Sakeena; Sritharan, T.
2023Exploring the dimensions of community health literacy: a scoping reviewSenanayake, K.I.D.F.; Kuruppu, D.C.
2023The impact of social media usage on the academic and research engagements of undergraduate students in Sri Lanka: a case studySenanayake, S.G.N.C.; Liyanage, R.D.
2009පුස්තකාලය 2.0 මගින් සංශෝධනය වන පුස්තකාලයාධිපති කාර්යභාරයGamage, Ruwan
20081911-1949 චීන ජනරජ සාහිත්‍ය එකතුව: අංකිතකරණ අත්දැකීම්Gamage, Ruwan; Meng, Z.; Fei, Y.
2010පාඨකයන්ගේ තොරතුරු සාක්ෂරතාවය ඉහළ නැංවීම සඳහා තොරතුරු සිතියම්කරණය ඉගැන්වීමGamage, Ruwan
2014A personal history of e- Librarianship in Sri Lanka : 2000-2004Gamage, Ruwan
2021ICT skills of Library & Information Science (LIS) professionals for the adoption of Blended Learning: a case study of University of ColomboManatunga, P.K.S.; Silva, M.A.L.